Megafroot is a fictitious hard fruit candy, that "explodes" with flavor. The auditory and visual elements in this commercial aim to attract an onlooker's attention and create awareness of the product.
Explosion Research
Research on Fruit explosions
Research on Fruit explosions
In order to truly capture a fruit exploding through animation, I studied how it looks like in real life. The conclusion I reached through all of this research is that a fruit explosion looks completely different frame by frame. 
Style 1
Style 1
Style 2
Style 2
Style 3
Style 3
Style 4
Style 4
It was a tough decision between frames, but my instructor and I both decided that style 3 would look best. 
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We decided that the better move here would be to cut to different angles instead of having the entire animation play-out at a fixed camera angle.
Final Storyboard
Programs Used 
Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects
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